Post-pandemic, B2B events are gaining traction as powerful tools for business growth, with 80% of businesses acknowledging the increased effectiveness of event marketing in the last two years.
As a demand generation marketing agency that has assisted many clients in crafting and executing successful event marketing strategies, the RAW team has outlined 5 of the most effective ways to generate quality leads from your next B2B event.
1. Post-Event Thought Leadership
In the landscape of B2B events, 72% of attendee’s name education as their primary reason for participation. Capitalise on this by promoting insightful content through avenues such as whitepapers, newsletters, or webinars. Encourage visitors to sign up for post-event email updates featuring new educational content – we have seen this as a strong avenue to generate leads.
By positioning your company as a go-to source of knowledge, go beyond just providing information. Offer ongoing value, fostering a pool of leads who not only see your brand as an expert but also as a trusted partner in their professional growth.
2. Facilitate Networking
After the pandemic, we’re all craving more human connection. B2B events are the perfect place for that. Make it easy for people to connect by organising fun and interactive sessions. Think casual chats, virtual meetups, and group discussions. Creating a friendly atmosphere not only makes the event more enjoyable but also opens chances to connect with others.
To maximise the value for your business, promote these sessions at your booth and encourage visitors to sign up for attendance. This not only creates an index of potential leads to follow up with post-event but also transforms casual connections into valuable opportunities.
During your follow-up process, remember that you’re not just reaching out to contacts; you’re reconnecting with individuals with whom you’ve already started building a relationship. This approach ensures that the leads you follow up with are of higher quality.
3. Meaningful Conversation Equals Quality Leads
Almost everyone (95% of marketers, to be exact) agrees that in-person events are fantastic for business goals. Why? Because of the personal touch they bring. At RAW, we understand the importance of quality leads, emphasising the need to invest time in meaningful conversations. Don’t rush through your interactions; each one holds significance.
Take advantage of connections made by promptly following up post-event. This step is key to building on the rapport established during the event and keeping momentum. By taking the time to engage in meaningful conversations, the leads you generate are more likely to turn into valuable business opportunities.
4. Come with Relevant Experience
After having meaningful conversations, attendees want to know how your solutions can solve their specific problems. We’ve found that using case studies is the best way to do this. Make sure to bring along case studies from your services to the event. During conversations, offer to email visitors the case study that aligns with their needs, collecting their contact information for follow-up. This not only generates leads but also distinguishes your brand by facilitating a direct path for potential customers to discover tailored solutions.
By presenting real-life examples of how your services have positively impacted others, you’re not just talking about it – you’re actively proving how your expertise can make a meaningful difference.
5. Experiential Lead Generation
Making your booth an enjoyable experience is a powerful strategy for generating leads. Turn your space into a fun and interactive hub, attracting more participants. For instance, 62.9% of attendees strongly believe that modern technologies like wearable event tech can significantly boost satisfaction and engagement at in-person B2B events.
This engagement opens doors to capture leads, whether through interactive games or exchanging contact information in casual conversations. By ensuring your booth is both memorable and enjoyable, you not only attract a crowd but also increase the chances of turning those interactions into valuable leads for your business.
Bring Your Event Vision to Life
With 68% of B2B businesses saying events are where they get most leads, your next event holds significant potential.
If you want expert help in boosting your lead generation at the next event, just reach out to us: